Property decisions are often—and easily—separated from the mission.

Should we sell or keep? Do we become a music venue or a community hub for the neighbourhood?

We have discovered that property decisions are often not based on listening to the neighbourhood or the congregation. If we start by clarifying the vision, mission, and objectives that come as a result of that discussion the reimagining property now links to the bigger why.


Phase 1

Reimagining Mission

In this phase we will help discern and clarify a vital, faithful and sustainable mission in your context that helps you pivot towards the neighbourhood. The listening process is deeply contextual, drawing from your specific history, current priorities and realities, and hopes for the future. 

Phase 2

Reimagining Property

Together we will review current real estate options, review market analysis, determine a potential concept for land use and construction, ensure this is connected to what we learned in the listening phase, and present options. 

Phase 3

Implementation Support

Once we have engaged in listening and planning, we are available to assist in implementing the plan set forth. We will help you make informed property decisions, so your congregation can be energized by its mission.