Our hybrid approach has us beginning with clarifying your mission and objectives and then linking those to development possibilities.
Although each project is unique, the outcomes of this process look like…
Clear and articulated understanding of congregational vision
Missional review and sustainability assessment
Translation of missional review into an action plan for the congregation
Mission, environment, social, financial, and site analysis
Determine building objectives based on the quadruple bottom line
Meetings with government representatives
Development options
Summary of next steps and comprehensive report
Curate Development Partner
Visualizing what is possible
Please contact us if…
You are declining and desire to reimagine what it is to be the church
You are aging and feel the drain of volunteerism and missional imagination
You feel burdened by the cost of maintaining your property and deferred maintenance
You feel your church property is underutilized and may have unrealized value
You want to develop a real estate plan for the future sustainability of the church